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As the esports industry grows rapidly, so does the demand for talented individuals to fill v


As the esports industry grows rapidly, so does the demand for talented individuals to fill various roles in the industry. Esports managers, specifically those who manage League of Legends teams, play a critical role in ensuring the success of esports organizations. In this article, we will discuss the key skills and qualities that a good League of Legends esports manager should have, as well as how they can train and develop these skills in potential League of Legends players.

Understanding the Role of a League of Legends Esports Manager

Before we dive into the skills and qualities an esports manager should have, it's important to understand their overall role. A League of Legends esports manager is responsible for leading and managing a team of professional players and ensuring they perform at their highest potential. This includes coordinating practices, setting training schedules and managing team dynamics. Additionally, they are responsible for securing sponsorship deals and managing the organization's budget.

Key Skills and Qualities for an Esports Manager

There are several skills and qualities that a good League of Legends esports manager should possess. Firstly, they should have strong leadership and management skills. They should be able to motivate and inspire their team towards achieving their goals, as well as hold them accountable when necessary. In addition, they should be able to effectively communicate with their team members, as well as other staff members and stakeholders.

Secondly, a good esports manager should have a deep understanding of the League of Legends game mechanics, as well as its competitive scene. They should be knowledgeable about the current strategies and meta, and be able to provide valuable insights and advice to their team members.

Thirdly, an esports manager should be highly organized and able to manage multiple tasks simultaneously. They need to keep track of team schedules, travel arrangements, and tournament logistics, among other things. Furthermore, they should be able to manage budgets effectively and make informed decisions about financial matters.

Training and Development of League of Legends Players

In order to be successful in the esports industry, it's not just enough to be a skilled player. League of Legends players should also possess a range of skills and qualities that are important for success in the industry.

Firstly, players should be able to effectively communicate with their team members and understand the team's overall strategy and goals. They should also have strong teamwork and collaboration skills.

Secondly, players should be able to adapt to different situations and think critically on their feet. This includes being able to make quick decisions based on changing game conditions.

Thirdly, players should have a strong work ethic and be committed to regular practice and improvement. They should have a growth mindset and be willing to learn from their mistakes.

Esports managers can help develop these skills in potential League of Legends players through a structured training program. This could include regular practice sessions, scrimmages against other teams, and participation in tournaments. Managers can also work with players to develop their communication and teamwork skills, as well as their critical thinking and adaptability.


In conclusion, a successful League of Legends esports manager should possess strong leadership, game knowledge, and organizational skills. Additionally, they should be able to effectively train and develop potential players to be successful in the industry. By focusing on developing the necessary skills and qualities, both managers and players can contribute to the growth and success of the esports industry.